11 September 2010

Yogyakarta & Borobudur

At the Ramayana Open Theatre with the
Prabanan Temple in the background 

Yogyakarta— despite the official spelling, the name is usually pronounced and not uncommonly written Jogjakarta or just Jogja (JOGH-jah) — is a major tourist destination in Indonesia. It is the capital city of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region which is in the southern part of the Central Java province, Indonesia.

For more info on Yogyakarta

Refreshing Bintang Beer at the Ramayana Restaurant
with Prabanan Temple as backdrop    

The Valley where the Lava from Gunung Merapi once flows...  
Merapi Golf Course, right next to the Merapi Mountain

Standing in front of one of the World's Wonder - Borobudur
With Jack & Man Wai at the Grand Entrance to Borobudur Complex
Jack Stanley talking History next to Buddha Statues at Borobudur
Borobudur Temple, wonder of Asia  

Good view of the Stupas from the top of the Borobudur Temple
Jack pointing at the ravine where the lava from Gunung Merapi
(Mount Merapi) once flow....

Rumah Pelangan, nice boutique Hotel where we stayed
Spread of Sundanese Food in Bumbu Desa

Jack & Jeffrey checking out the Ramayana Open Theatre
with Prabanan Temple in the background   
The Hindu Temple, Prabanan taken from the spectators' stands
in the Ramayan Theatre
Jack with the pretty Sundanese ladies at Reception Counter
of the famous Sundanese Restaurant - Bumbu Desa 

Top: Air Asia landed at Yogyakarta Airport
Below: Nice Italian Dinner at Gadjah Wong Restaurant

Top: At the front entrance of Bumbu Desa, famous Sundanese restaurant
Bottom: Minstrels provide excellent music at Gadjah Wong

Jack standing at the top of the Ramayana Open Theatre
with the grand Prabanan Temple behind him

1 comment:

流浪汉 瑜伽 Yoga Tramp said...

nice blog,
nice to sharing,
nice to meet u